Bio-Weinseminar auf dem Steinhof

Bio-Weinseminar auf dem Steinhof

Einladung zum Bio-Weinseminar auf dem Steinhof Am 12. Februar um 19:30 Uhr Mit Bio-Winzer Axel Seck aus Dolgesheim vom Naturland-Weingut Seck ( Freut euch auf einen interessanten Abend mit vielen guten Tropfen, fränkischen Schm ...

“No more Woid!”

“No more Woid!”

Mittwoch, 13. May 2015, 20.00 Uhr im STEINHOF in WESTHEIM Oberdorfstraße 13, 91747 Westheim “No more Woid!” „Waldbauer und Abwerber - American Farmer and Bavarian Reporter” Treffen Sie einen Waldbauern, der vor der Entscheidung steht, ...

6. Extrem-Outdoor-Schafkopfrennen

6. Extrem-Outdoor-Schafkopfrennen

When: Sunday February 22, 2015, Beginning: 13 Clock Where: Steinhof West Home, outdoors, whatever the weather. Costs: 5,- € entry fee Catering: Steinhof-organic beer from the tap, Stew, Coffee, hot Met, etc.,......... Not Sheep Kopfer are here ...

4. Extreme outdoor sheep head race

4. Extreme outdoor sheep head race

Finally it's that time again: Together with the MF francs buffalo we are on 24. Run through February as usual again our annual all-Sheepshead Tournament! Weather does not matter - the main thing is there .... Start: 12:30 Clock ...

16 new fruit trees for Westheim

16 new fruit trees for Westheim

Long planned, we could finally the 16 small fruit trees on our "Countries A" give a new home! In the planted trees are exclusively for old varieties, which have become rare in our time. Your klanvolle ...

New website online

New website online

Welcome to our new website: Otherwise ...       ...

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